About Us
Kalamoir is a Calgary based general contractor who helps landlords, developers, and tenants build spaces they are proud of. Our philosophy and success is based on our ability to deliver quality projects to our clients
on time and on budget.
We guarantee a 2:1 return on your pre-construction fee (after the completion of the pre-construction process, or we refund 100% of your pre-construction fee).
We guarantee that the project costs will not
increase by more than 5% if we are engaged in pre-construction (excluding unforeseen soil and subsurface conditions or owner driven changes)
The traditional way of building is a flawed model that puts too much risk on you, the client. The challenge with building the old way, is that the contractor responsible for securing the materials and people to execute the project is not involved until the design is complete.
At this point, its too expensive and too late to make significant changes.
We asked: How can we eliminate the most common issues that come up during construction?
Over our teams combined 200 years of experience. We took a day to sit down and come up with more than 184 challenges (and counting) on a job site. Of these challenges, we determined we could avoid 175 of the 184 (95.1%) if we were involved earlier in the project (at preconstruction).
Our clients now demand our pre-construction services. It’s not easy. We typically invest 100-200 hours going through the drawings during pre-construction.
A significant investment on our end. There is no obligation to use us for construction. The onus is on us to demonstrate value through the pre-construction design process, or you don’t pay.
At the end of the pre-construction, you will clearly see the savings in mistakes, alternative material selections and how to tighten up timelines with trades, ultimately saving you money and shortening up the construction timelines.
We guarantee a 2:1 return on your pre-construction fee (after the completion of the pre-construction process, or we refund 100% of your pre-construction fee).